Astrid Vanderlee
I often hear from people my age or older that paddle boarding is not something they can do anymore. They think they’re too old, in too bad of a shape or because it is a sport only for younger people. Nothing is farther from the truth! I learned paddle boarding at a later age to regain my strength after some serious injuries, and to improve my health. So If I can do it... you can do it too! There’s no better time to improve your health then now. Read more...

Ellen Sloos
When I started paddle boarding it wasn't a sport that was practised by a lot of people yet. But that changed quite a bit in the last years. Though it is worrying to see that not everyone is aware of 'safety' with paddle boarding. We at PaddleAway.today are not only promoting this fantastic sport but also make people aware of water safety while having fun at the same time. Read more...